YEGtweetup a simple, yet powerful concept!

Yegtweetup a simple, yet powerful concept – How they are leading the change!
Originally Posted by: Narissa Singh October 12, 2013 on
The booming social media scene has changed our outlook towards everything. Marketing is one of the major fields that social media has completely taken by storm. There are companies who have a budget set aside especially for digital marketing and online brand reputation management. In these times of social media, businesses have to learn to adapt their marketing and branding strategies for the digital world. Yegtweetup is a step towards mixing business and pleasure with some help from Twitter.
What is Yegtweetup?
Yegtweetup is the brainchild of Steve Russell and Kim Quibell. Kim and Steve acknowledged the need to promote Edmonton and area small businesses amongst the digital crowd. The most innovative way was to create a friendly environment rather than a typical business mixer setting to let people loosen up and have a great time while the host venue gets due publicity. They took to twitter to organise these gigs around town and with support from local businesses their tweetups are a huge hit.
Why it works?
The boring concept of business mixtures is not always enjoyed by all. Also, not all businesses could afford those high profile events to market themselves amongst the Edmonton crowd. Steve and Kim noted these two shortcomings and decided to turn things around. According to Steve there concept is more of an amalgamation of a tweet-up, a meet-up, a business mixer and everything else that is fun and enjoyable. The audience they cater to usually looks forward to their event with all the laughs, the live entertainment, the competitions, prizes, food, workshops and much more. On the other hand, their venue hosts and their prize sponsors get the much deserved attention and exposure amongst the crowd present as well as word-of-mouth publicity extending to a larger audience.
Simple yet powerful concept
The single driving force behind this concept is to establish a simple yet powerful concept to seamlessly promote local businesses amongst people minus any preachy mixers. They offer to create a fun event which has helped forge many business relationships between the attendees and great market exposure for host venues. The tweeps or twitter users that attend these events get a chance to interact with other users whom they might have only met online and so is a great way of meeting new people. The venues selected are versatile and hence patrons get to taste different food or get to visit a venue that they might never have visited before. The events are a good excuse to network your business or services while you let your hair down.
Success Story
Yegtweetup organized an event at Baseline Wine & Spirits at Sherwood Park which raised a little under $2,000 for two charities, namely The Operation Friendship Seniors Society of Edmonton and Prostate Cancer Research. Also, exposure for the host venue Baseline Wine & Spirits increased by 60% on Twitter as noted by its owner.
Upcoming Events you could attend
Thrill The World Edmonton is an upcoming event scheduled for Saturday, October 26th, 2013. The venue for this event is Grant MacEwan City Centre Campus 104 Ave, Edmonton. The event is supposed to be a part of the worldwide celebration of Michael Jackson’s eerie-spooky hit Thriller. All the proceeds of this event would go to Muscular Dystrophy Canada.
Edmonton is in dire need of innovative business ideas and Yegtweetup might be the best thing happened to networking since a very long time.