Coming Soon – Restaurant Reviews

Being that Kim and I frequent MANY local restaurants in and around Edmonton, we thought we would provide a spot on our new website specifically for reviews of these establishments.
As a typical guy, I usually spend most of my time stuffing food in my face and not paying too much attention to anything else that goes on around me but I’m going to try my very best (along with Kim’s help) to be more “aware!”
I’m also going to have to live outside of my comfort zone and try items other than just burgers, steaks and clubhouse sandwiches. Maybe I’ll get Kim to review all the “green food” and I’ll do everything else! Either way, we’re going to make it entertaining, enlightening and as detailed as possible on our future experiences when it comes to dining!
If there are specific restaurants you would like us to review or you would like us to review yours, please leave a comment here and we’ll do our best to get there asap!