Exploring Different Kinds of Oilfield Jobs
The most recent recession is over and the oil field is booming once again – especially in the United States & Alberta – and that can only mean one thing: they’re hiring. Whether you were laid off from an oilfield job during the downtown a few years ago, you have
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4 Tips to Balance Family & Work Life
4 Tips to Balance Family & Work Life The fast pace of living makes achieving the ideal private and professional balance increasingly difficult. From addressing your career demands to those of family and personal relationships, many feel the pressure and suffer from severe stress, risk of burnout and a generally
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Navigating the switch from Employee Status to Independent Contractor. Everyone dreams of being their own boss one day, and yet so many believe that this dream is unattainable. In reality, all you need is a little determination, some time, a few dollars saved up, and a whole lot of planning.
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Getting Set Up in A New City
Moving to a new city is simultaneously exciting, nerve-racking, and tedious. Exploring the new streets, shops, cafes, and sights that your new home has to offer is sure to take up most of your free time after the move, but you can’t forget about the behind the scenes necessities amidst
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The Story of Polar Park Brewery
One of Edmonton’s newest breweries is getting ready to hit the ground running and it has a backstory that will have you getting comfortable and sitting down for a beer. If you are familiar with the private animal park once also known as the Alberta Game Farm, then you’ll know
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Strength Within A Community
Strength Within A Community When you look at your lifestyle, what are your biggest limiting factors? What holds you back? What makes you feel self conscious, and what would you say that you are not good enough at? You can frame yourself any way you like but it is inevitably
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Audiology For Everyone
Have you ever gone to a concert, come home and then the next day at breakfast been like “WHAAAAAT did you SAAAAAY??”. Face it, most of us probably have. The struggle of being wild and free is real. To be more clear, ringing in the ears post being around loud
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Finding your fit with “The Projct” and Jordan Jeske
Not just a gym, not just a community, a collaboration. Jordan Jeske has been a fitness professional and leader in the industry here in Edmonton for a number of years. He has a skill set that is highly beneficial to golfers trying to increase performance but he brings a lot
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Fire Extinguisher Tips
Not very many people have been properly trained in how to use a fire extinguisher. You see them everywhere you go: your workplace, your school, hopefully your home, and any public building, such as shops and restaurants. You may have an idea of how they work, but in the event
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Keeping Your Home Safe In The Winter
It is that time of year again, the Canadian winter we all know and love. Amidst prepping their cars and their closets for the upcoming season, there is one thing that most people forget to consider: their homes. Your home, aside from being your largest investment, is first and foremost
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What Happens If I Lose My Will?
Whether you have a substantial estate, or simply a few sentimental items, having a will is crucial if you want to dictate how your possessions will be distributed when you are gone. Without a will, you are considered to have died “intestate” and the provincial law then dictate the division
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Preparing Your Vehicle For Winter Driving
Winter driving is inevitable in most parts of the country. With the winter season comes plenty of snow and ice, which hinder the driving conditions we are faced with, often resulting in more accidents. These conditions call for increased attention, caution, and preparation to help you stay safe on the
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Here Comes The Sun: Benefits of Enlarging Basement Windows
Are you building a new house? Renovating your current one? Or maybe you flip houses for a living? Whichever one of these you said yes to, there is one thing you all have in common: deciding what to do with the basement. In the past, basements were typically used for
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Legal Corner: What Is the Definition of Impaired Driving in Alberta?
Legal Corner: What Is the Definition of Impaired Driving in Alberta? What is the first thing that comes to mind at the mention of impaired driving? For most people, the answer is alcohol, specifically, the act of driving while drunk. Drunk driving is, unfortunately, a common aspect of society in
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3 Successful Alberta Companies Supporting Oil & Gas In 2018
3 Successful Alberta Companies Supporting Oil & Gas In 2018 Oil & Gas is Alberta’s largest and most vital industry. Despite the economic downturn and the decreasing price of oil and gas causing hardships throughout the industry, it is still one of the biggest and busiest in the province. With
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Online Therapy: Mental Health Services For Rural Alberta
Online Therapy: Mental Health Services For Rural Alberta Living in a rural area can often mean having a lack of amenities, resources, and services readily available. This can be problematic if the service needed is any type of therapy, counseling, or mental aid, as anyone needing this type of help
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Edmonton Expo 2017-Nicole Murphy
Edmonton Expo: Supporting local talent By: Nicole Murphy With big names like William Shatner, Gene Simmons, and Alex Kingston the Edmonton Expo brought in nerds from all around the land! Myself included. Although my fandom lays in mainstream shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Doctor Who, and Harry Potter, what
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Why Condo Insurance Is Different From Home Insurance
Buying a new home is an exciting milestone in ones life. Amidst all of the excitement, however, comes the responsibility of figuring out what type of insurance you’ll need for your new home. What many people don’t realize is that the type of home you’ve purchased, such as a condo
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Difference Between Big Law Firms & Boutique Law Firms
Whether you are looking for legal representation or are looking for work in the legal world, trying to decide whether big law or a boutique firm are right for you can often be a difficult process. Both big and boutique law firms come with their share of pros and cons,
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Stoneworks Granite & Quartz Inc.
Edmonton Kitchen Trends In 2017 Interior design changes at the drop of a hat. Some features remain timeless, while others are swept out with the waves. If you are yearning to remodel your home in Edmonton in 2017, you’ll need to know what is currently moving the market. Here are
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Edmonton Craft Beer Festival
Spring is here! So you know what that means, patio season is right around the corner! What a better way to enjoy a hot day than with an ice cold Alberta Beer. Tonight is the festival launch for Alberta Beer Festival season. Each year, ABF does 5 shows. Edmonton Craft
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Once Upon a Time in Graceland-Jubilations
You all know how much I love twitter, and I was lucky enough to win a Twitter contest from Jubilations which got me 2 tickets to a showing of Once Upon A Time in Graceland. I was allowed to choose my seats & date for the show. I was excited
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Pig & Pints- Central Social Hall St.Albert
On July 12 I got to spend my Sunday Funday at Central Social Hall’s newest location in St. Albert for their Pig & Pints event, in partnership with Samuel Adams. The event was open to the public from 4:00 pm to close, to try out the the whole roasted hog
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NVE Institute – Review
NVE Institute *10153-122 street (New Address) Edmonton, Alberta (780) 628-2056 Website Twitter Facebook Gary, Natalie and their staff take the term “wellness” to entire new level by providing the best of everything for their clients. From their natural products to exceptionally trained staff, this gem located in downtown Edmonton is a
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Crackmasters – Review
I have needed a new windshield for a while now and longer than I’m willing to admit. Without knowing where to go, I went online and used a search tool. If you guessed Google… you are wrong! If I am looking for a plumber, florist or in this case a
Want to reach as many local people as possible and drive them to your business in a very inexpensive way?? We have been asked for a long time by many people if we would offer various advertising opportunities for #yeg local businesses due to the traffic on our website
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Forever Aloe – Sarah
Both Kim and I have been given a number of opportunities over the past year and half and had the pleasure of trying various products and services from amazing local people and businesses so when THIS opportunity to try out some great Aloe products from “Forever” came along, I was
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An experience with Air Canada
August 1, 2014 – My letter outlining my experience today and sent to Air Canada customer service. This is inform you of the poor quality service rendered by Air Canada today on my flight (AC 233) to Vancouver BC departing at 6:20am and then connecting to Portland. This started the
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Cavalia Odysseo – Cheryl Cottrell-Smith
Social Media Night at Cavalia’s Odysseo By Cheryl Cottrell-Smith Cavalia, the international touring equestrian sensation, has returned to Edmonton for its second year. This time, the company is touring for their second show, which is entitled Odysseo. On July 23, Cavalia held their social media night in Edmonton and YEG
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Sherwood Park Chev – 2014 Camaro SS Convertible Review
Sherwood Park Chevrolet http://www.sherwoodparkchev.com/index.htm https://twitter.com/SPchevrolet https://www.facebook.com/sherwoodparkchev I consider myself very fortunate… On June 6th, out of the blue, I received an intriguing direct message on Twitter from Sherwood Park Chevrolet suggesting they have an idea they would like me to be involved in. Now being a “car guy”, I
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Wax Walter 4 Charity – w/ Monique MacDonald
Walter Schwabe, Ben Proulx and Bryan Mortensen have agreed to let Monique shave their legs (chest for Ben) in public on June 8, 2014 if we can raise $5000.00 for The Strathcona County Boys and Girls Club. If you would like to help me achieve the $5000.00 goal, please go to http://igg.me/p/757532/twtr/7167574 and
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#CarnavalYEG Blog by Cheryl Cottrell-Smith
Carnaval YEG offers a Brazilian-inspired feast of local goods Cheryl Cottrell-Smith The best part about Edmonton’s culture is that it’s completely multi-faceted, pulling from all areas of society and showcasing talent and skill from all walks of life. Creative Edmonton’s Carnaval event was just such a testament to the unique
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Review of the Double Tree by Hilton – Stages
The Mayfield Inn has been long-standing icon in Edmonton and we were all happy to see this long, overdue facelift of the facility. As you walk in, nothing looks familiar and that’s a compliment! They have done an outstanding job of creating a warm and inviting space. Kim had booked
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Review of Harts Table & Bar
Harts Table & Bar 14229 23 Ave Edmonton After a long wait, we finally got our chance to experience this new eatery which replaced Ric’s Grill at 14229 23 Ave. In Terwilligar. Kim and I have read all the buzz and tweets on this new undertaking by the Century Hospitality
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Review of De Dutch – 10030 Jasper Ave
After viewing the website and seeing some unique selections of food, it was decided we would have an Easter brunch there today. As with anything downtown, parking was a challenge and it took 3 loops around the block to find a meter. We could have parked at a pay lot for
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Review of Square One – Sherwood Park
Kim and I along with Anita, Scott, Karly, Katie & Tyler enjoyed a brunch meeting at this fantastic Sherwood Park eatery located at #32, 993 Fir Street right off of Wye Road. http://sqr1.ca/ This contemporary, one room design offers very comfortable seating and a very relaxed atmosphere. We have been
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Review of The Mongolie Grill – 109St & Jasper Ave
The Mongolie Grill Jasper & 109St We had an opportunity to take our web designer @destroythebox out for a Birthday supper last night to celebrate his advanced age and also go over all the functions of our new website! We decided on The Mongolie Grill http://www.mongoliegrill.ca/home.html on Jasper Ave. We have
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Coming Soon – Restaurant Reviews
Being that Kim and I frequent MANY local restaurants in and around Edmonton, we thought we would provide a spot on our new website specifically for reviews of these establishments. As a typical guy, I usually spend most of my time stuffing food in my face and not paying too
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New Website Launch!! #yegtweetup
We are proud to showcase our new website designed and managed by @destroythebox. We now can offer far greater features, content and the ability to blog as well as provide reviews on local restaurants. We also have far greater value and options with advertising features and multiple ways to promote
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